Centre 4 Life is proud to host and offer a home to a number of very special local Wellness Providers including:
- Sri Yoga
- Movement Wisdom – Feldenkrais Method
- Nicole Lee QiGong
To discover the beautiful range of services and classes currently on offer, please head to Centre4Life’s main webpage here.
Are you a passionate provider or group working in the wellness or community space? We would love to explore working with you.
Call us on 9530 8778 to talk to us about regular hire opportunities or submit your enquiry below.

Casual Event Hire
The space is also open to the public and external providers for casual hire on weekdays and weekends. It offers the ideal location for hosting truly personalised events, celebrations, parties, workshops, classes, and community gatherings. Leases are available as a casual hire or on an ongoing basis.
We invite you to arrange a tour of our facility to explore how the space can be tailored to enhance your own special occasion.
Please contact us here for further information.